Virginia Basketball “Team of Destiny” Book Signing Sunday
By Jerry Ratcliffe
Wahoo fans are invited to a book signing on Sunday afternoon for “Team of Destiny, Inside Virginia Basketball’s Run to the 2019 National Championship.”
County Line Mercantile, located at 5548 Seminole Trail, on Rt. 29, is hosting the event. Owner Wendy Peery will have plenty of books available for purchase, but if you already have one, bring it along and we’ll sign it for you.
The book signing will be held from noon until 2 p.m., along with a live remote by 3WV Radio, but the festivities will continue until 5 p.m.
Bluegrass band, “Rough Cut,” will be performing from 3-5 p.m. “Order Up” food truck will be on hand, and we have free cupcakes provided by “Beez Baking.”
Come by and meet authors Chris Graham, Scott Ratcliffe, Scott German, and yours truly, who documented the entire season in this book, a true keepsake for all Wahoo fans. It also makes for a great gift!
County Line Mercantile is the last business in Albemarle County, right at the Greene County line, located in the southbound lane. If you get to the Sheetz station, you’ve gone too far and will have to turn around.
Missed our first Team of Destiny book-signing event? Don’t worry, there’s a new fiesta in the making as we speak!
Come see us at County Line Mercantile this Sunday (July 14) from 12 noon until 2 p.m., there will be food, music, cupcakes, giveaways and more!
— JerryRatcliffe.Com (@hootie_dotcom) July 8, 2019
See ya’ll there.