You Have To Admire Mark Mincer’s Commitment To Principle…

Thanks to LSU upsetting Miami and Virginia Tech doing the same to Florida State the next night, Dave proved that even a blind squirrel finds an acorn every now and then by going 15-0 to lead the pack in week 1 of the Pigskin Prophets.

The Ratcliffe family – Hootie and Scott – both went 13-2 as did guest Roy Wheeler. Our other guest, Shawn Moore, was 11-4.

This week there are two new guests: Former All-American UVA running back Thomas Jones, who after 12 years in the NFL has now become an acclaimed actor; and Mark Mincer, owner of Mincer’s, the landmark retailer of UVA apparel synonymous with Charlottesville and UVA athletics.

The panel is unanimous in its belief UVA will win at Indiana and go 2-0, but the pick of the week belongs to Mincer. He is picking William and Mary over Virginia Tech, not because he necessarily believes it will happen, but according to a note he put next to the pick on the form he returned, “I do not/can not/will not ever root for Tech in anything.”

This week’s picks:

Logo Dave Headshot Jerry Headshot Scott Headshot Thomas Headshot Markl Headshot
Dave Jerry Scott Thomas Jones Mark Mincer
15-0 13-2 13-2 0-0 0-0
Duke at Northwestern Duke Northwestern Northwestern Northwestern Northwestern
Ga. Tech at S. FLA Ga. Tech Ga. Tech USF Ga. Tech Ga. Tech
W&M at Va. Tech Virginia Tech Virginia Tech Virginia Tech Virginia Tech William & Mary
Clemson at Texas A&M Clemson Clemson Clemson Texas A&M Clemson
Indiana St. at Louisville Louisville Louisville Louisville Louisville Louisville
Penn State at Pitt Penn St. Penn St. Penn St. Penn St. Penn St.
Georgia at S. Carolina Georgia Georgia Georgia Georgia Georgia
USC at Stanford USC Stanford USC Stanford Stanford
Cal at BYU Cal BYU BYU Cal BYU
W. Michigan at Michigan Michigan Michigan Michigan Michigan Michigan
Kentucky at Florida Florida Florida Florida Florida Florida
Iowa St. at Iowa Iowa Iowa Iowa Iowa Iowa
Colorado at Nebraska Nebraska Nebraska Colorado Nebraska Nebraska